
The next item that my daughter and I had to eliminate due to an allergy test was gluten.  I’ll get into the allergy testing more on another post but gluten is important to talk about.

Most people have issues with gluten and don’t even know it.  So what is gluten?  Gluten is a protien in grain mostly known for being in wheat but it’s also in spelt, barley, rye and many more.  Those with an allergy have to watch for it in cereals, dressings, all baked goods and even crackers.  If it’s processed and doesn’t say gluten free chances are it has gluten in it.  All purchased items you have to read the ingredients, honestly it’s easier to bake your own breads.  It is what makes bread spongy, it is what makes bread rise and it gives the bread some texture.  Some people’s digestive systems are having a hard time breaking it down.  As a result we get clogged drains (constipation) which leads to allergies, rashes, yucky skin bumps (my daughter’s skin on a previous post, yes gluten contributed).  Gluten has been linked to several chronic disease’s and auto-immune disorders, even autism.  When I tell people that we don’t eat gluten I then get asked “Oh, you must be celiac then right”? Wrong, niether me nor my daughter have Celiec disease, we were both tested.  So that means we have a intolerance or a allergy to gluten.  Basically we won’t be put in a ER situation if we eat it like a celiac person probably would but it we eat it we can expect we’ll immediately feel bloated and sick.

Gluten causes inflammation in the body which causes a lot of problems.  If you have or are suffering from any of the issues listed below I’d highly suggest you take gluten out of your diet for 2 weeks and then eat it and see how you feel.  Or a quicker way, go get a blood test like we did, you might be surprised at what you find.

I copied the below from Mark Hyman MD.   If you’d like to look into this more go to

A review paper in The New England Journal of Medicine listed 55 “diseases” that can be caused by eating gluten.  These include osteoporosis, irritable bowel disease, inflammatory bowel disease, anemia,  cancer, fatigue, canker sores, and rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and almost all other autoimmune diseases. Gluten is also linked to many psychiatric and neurological diseases, including anxiety, depression,  schizophrenia, dementia, migraines, epilepsy, and neuropathy (nerve damage).  It has also been linked to autism.  We used to think that gluten problems or celiac disease were confined to children who had diarrhea, weight loss, and failure to thrive. Now we know you can be old, fat, and constipated and still have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

Mark Hyman just released a book called The Sugar Solution, I’ve read about it online and watched a little TV spill on it but haven’t purchased it yet.  He is helping people all over with what he calls diabesity.  I’m looking forward to reading it.

I challenge you to 2 weeks of being gluten free, can you do it?            Oh,and do you know what happens when you get rid of inflammation?  You drop weight FAST!!

blood and things

WOW!  It’s been a while since I’ve written.  Lots going on.  I cancelled my mastectomy surgery again!  More to come on that topic.

Some of you might know that when I started this journey about a year and a half ago I started out by going to a clinic in Arizona that used low dose chemotherapy and high dose vitamin infusion all through IV’s.  At the time I was stubborn and didn’t want to get a port-o-cath or a PICC line.  For those that don’t know both of those are little gadgets that give you vein access without getting poked daily, I opted for the daily poke for a long while!  Which is also a long story that will soon come but for now let’s just say all my veins are shot!  Can’t draw blood from anywhere really.  So in preparation for the surgery I had to get a bicep accessory in my left arm (PICC line) which was a good thing, I was planning on giving blood finally, doing some more vitamin IV’s since I had access and the surgery of course that didn’t happen.  It had been 6 months since I’ve had any blood work, I’ve tried twice even went under ultrasound and they couldn’t get in a vein.  Finally, was able to give 10 tubes of my blood, thank you bicep accessory!!  I was nervous and scared, those tumor marker numbers can instill fear like no other.  It had been six months of me not knowing what was going on inside my body and the fear of cancer roaming freely is a extremely uncomfortable feeling!  After a few days of anticipation I got a call from my favorite nurse friend at my doctor’s office.  She said in a happy and excited voice “Jamie, your blood work is still all good and within normal levels”!!!!  You have no idea how I felt after hearing that!  And even better news I’m completely healthy all my blood work is normal!

But the bad and good news is the PICC line got a very large blood clot at the end of it and wasn’t functioning correctly so out that went.  If surgery is to happen I’ll be adding a new bicep accessory to my lovely arm!  More to come on that…….

WOOHOO for normal tumor marker numbers!!


Trying to save the Tata’s

I’ve decided to hold of on the surgery for a bit. Going to see a specialist and see if he has any ideas on how to save the boobies! Last minute cold feet maybe, not sure but I don’t like the idea and I never have so I’m researching my options once again. I’ll keep you you all informed. Thank you to all of my supporters and cheerleaders! Your calls, text, emails and whatnots are all appreciated.

Yummy Pudding

I just made this recipe from Kris Carr’s Crazy Sexy Diet book.  It tastes like dairy pudding and it fooled my daughter.  Check it out!

I ripe avocado, pitted

6 – 10 dates depending on the size of date soaked if necessary

1/2 tsp vanilla

4 heaping tbsp cocoa or 2 tbsp carob powder (I used cacao thinking it was my carob, still tasted good)

1/2 c water

Put the 1st four ingredients in a food processor and scrap sides if necessary.  Add in the water until the desired consistency.

You never taste the avocado!!!