I love you!

Can you do this?

Today’s challenge

Go in front of a mirror any mirror will do.  State your full name and follow with I LOVE YOU!  Can you do it?

We not not truely capable of loving anyone or anything until you fully love yourself!

Powerful huh?!?!

So go try it!  For some this will be a challenge and for others it’ll be a breeze.  Why?  Over time our beliefs have changed and we don’t feel like we should about ourselves.  We need to reprogram, this is one step in the process.

Share your experiences.  Why was this hard?  What are your challenges in life.  We all have them.

This is something that Louise Hay recommends in her books.  This little step alone will change your life.  Do it daily, there is nothing wrong with loving you!

Making from scratch

I’m not usually a lazy laundry person but recently I’ve thrown a couple loads on the counter in the laundry room.  UH!  Now that I’m folding 2 loads in front of my T.V.  I’m watching Dr. Oz!

He just told me that a 3 1/2 oz can of mushrooms can have up to 20 maggots cooked down in the can.  That Beavers Anal juice is labeled as “natural flavors” in hard candy and kids juices!  Canned tomato juices including speghetti sauces have fruit fly eggs hidden in the can!  WHAT!  the kicker…it’s all FDA approved!  The FDA calls them natural defects!

I can’t get over the Beavers!!!  Who figures that this is a sweet substance?  Are the artificial food makers so desperate that they go out and taste “things” in the wild?!

I’ve heard of some horrible things that the FDA allows and approves but really?!  Our poor children, can you imagine what these things cause internally?  No wonder our children have issues we can’t figure out.

This gives us all more reasons to cook from scratch, wash your veggies really good.  Let’s not be lazy in the kitchen!!


Through my journey to health and wholeness I’ve realized that it’s more than just what you put into your body.  It’s how you feel, what you think and mostly your beliefs.  If you can change your beliefs, this alone will change your thinking about yourself which changes how you feel and if you’re feeling your best you’ll want to only put the “goodness” into your body!  Easier said than done right.

Most of our beliefs have been there since we were children.  Set in stone, it’s all we know.  So what happens when you realize that one or more of these beliefs has set you back from something you’ve always wanted to do.  Something and simple as someone saying that you can’t do something or that you “have” something maybe a  Learning disablity or  that you aren’t coordinated enough to dance or ride a bike.  You are in charge now!  I encourage you to go ride that bike or read that huge book that has always intimidated you, change your beliefs, you have no idea how good this will make you feel.  Take responsibility, OWN IT!!

There isn’t anyone keeping you from doing what you want to do anymore except you, GO do it!!

What do you want to change???



What is Carob powder you ask…….

Carob powder is a powdery substance similiar in texture to cocoa powder.  Carob powder comes from a tree called St. John Bread in the Mediterranean.  The powder comes from the seed pods.  Carob is much better for you than chocolate.  It contains no caffiene and is high in fiber and also has vitamins A, B, B2, B3 and D.  Carob powder is often found in a raw form meaning that none of the original nutrients are stripped.

Cocoa is usually paired with butter and sugar which makes it a fatty dessert and is usually bitter without the fatty part.  Carob doesn’t resemble that.  You will need to add a little vanilla to make it closer to the same taste as chocolate in recipes.  When cooking with it (I’ve always used it raw) I hear that it has a drier taste than compared to chocolate.  Mix it with some vanilla and pour into hot water or milk for hot chocolate.  And it won’t keep you up at night or force your kids on a sugar high!!

Hope that helps.

You’ll LOVE this

This is the recipe that I made for Easter dessert.  As most of you know between the 3 girls in the house we are on a gluten, dairy, wheat, and soy free diet.  The only desserts we can safely all enjoy are raw food desserts.

Chocolate mousse strawberry pie  (I created my own from a recipe from The Raw Foods Bible by Craig B Sommers)


1 C shredded coconut

1 C raw macadamia nuts or almonds soaked

1/4 C pitted dates ( I get medjool dates)

1/2 tsp sea or celtic salt

pinch of cayenne

1 to 1 1/2 tsp coconut oil for extra rich crust ( i didn’t do this)

Put the coconut in a processor with the S blade and blend until a fine powder.  Add nuts of choice, salt and cayenne blend until course.  Break up or chop the dates place them evenly over your mixture and blend until you’ve got a graham cracker like crust.  It should be crumbly but holds together when pressed.  Spread into a 9″ pie plate ungreased.  Place in fridge while your make filling.


2 medium to large avocados

1 tbsp vanilla

1/4 tsp sea or celtic salt

1/2 carob powder

1/2 C agave or raw honey

Put all the above into the processor with the S blade and process until smooth

Layer the chocolate mousse with strawberries or any other berry over the crust.

Garnish with coconut or berries

Chill for an hour before serving