
Through my journey to health and wholeness I’ve realized that it’s more than just what you put into your body.  It’s how you feel, what you think and mostly your beliefs.  If you can change your beliefs, this alone will change your thinking about yourself which changes how you feel and if you’re feeling your best you’ll want to only put the “goodness” into your body!  Easier said than done right.

Most of our beliefs have been there since we were children.  Set in stone, it’s all we know.  So what happens when you realize that one or more of these beliefs has set you back from something you’ve always wanted to do.  Something and simple as someone saying that you can’t do something or that you “have” something maybe a  Learning disablity or  that you aren’t coordinated enough to dance or ride a bike.  You are in charge now!  I encourage you to go ride that bike or read that huge book that has always intimidated you, change your beliefs, you have no idea how good this will make you feel.  Take responsibility, OWN IT!!

There isn’t anyone keeping you from doing what you want to do anymore except you, GO do it!!

What do you want to change???


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