
After my oldest daughter was diagnosed with Alopecia with not a lot of help out there or explanation I turned to food.  All of the things that I’m listing as kitchen no no’s are things that I eliminated trying to “repair” the damage.  Just keep in mind that it has all worked but I’m trying to write in order of the events so not to skip forward.

We drastically changed our diets.  Her hair wasn’t growing but I was still working.  I found a homeopathic friend that helped us a lot, taught me a lot and inspired me to keep researching and gave me a lot of tips.

#2 issue – Same daughter

She started developing skin lesions.  I wish I had pictures.  Behind her knees in the bends of her arms she started to develop what was thought to be eczema.  We tried everything but the doctors just kept sending us out the door with prescription creams.  It was so bad that we had to wrap her arms in gauze every morning and night.  It would itch so badly that she’d claw it all night into a bloody mess.  I’d cover every morning hoping that nothing would get in it and get infected.  I went all the way natural using natural creams, herbs and other things to ease the pain and itch.  Eventually it moved all up her back, neck and ended up on her face.  She was embarrassed.  Keep in mind she was already wearing a wig, had no eye brows or lashes and now had some skin condition, she felt horrible!  I went to a doctor that told me it was common in kids with Alopecia to have skin issues, allergies and asthma which she had all of.  No answers once again.  I dug in again!  Google is my best friend.  I came across some interesting information on fungus, yes FUNgus!  The creepy green cloud of smoke glazed over my computer as I started digging up information.  Of course this sends me to the library.  I don’t just use one source of information and I don’t self diagnose. I took her back to the doctors we had previously visited.  They all said, go get some athletes foot cream from the pharmacy and see if it works.  If so, you are right if not, than use this prescription, this was about #8 prescription with no results except the condition getting worse.   These doctors were really pissing me off by now!   I researched all of Utah for doctors that would share my interest in finding the cause to everything.  I just didn’t want to cure a symptom I wanted to find the problem at the source.   I found one about 10 minutes from my house….HELLO why didn’t I do this to start with??

We sat in her office, unwrapped the gauze from her arms and the doctor gasped!  Before I said a thing, you know what the first words out of her mouth were?  “This looks like candida”!  I almost started crying!  Finally, Finally, Finally some answers.  I was hopeful!  She gave her a prescription for a fungus cream and an oral antibiotic for candida aka yeast!  Yes Ladies, It isn’t just the privates that have these issues!!   We were scheduled back to the doctor 2 weeks later.  Whatdoya know a week later she had red covered up skin and 2 weeks later she had not a trace of it.  Never has it returned!  Do you know what a relief that was?  We found out that she had FUNgus!  But why?  Why would a 10 year old end up with a head to toe rashy FUNgus infection?

This is what really started my journey with food….

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