Making from scratch

I’m not usually a lazy laundry person but recently I’ve thrown a couple loads on the counter in the laundry room.  UH!  Now that I’m folding 2 loads in front of my T.V.  I’m watching Dr. Oz!

He just told me that a 3 1/2 oz can of mushrooms can have up to 20 maggots cooked down in the can.  That Beavers Anal juice is labeled as “natural flavors” in hard candy and kids juices!  Canned tomato juices including speghetti sauces have fruit fly eggs hidden in the can!  WHAT!  the kicker…it’s all FDA approved!  The FDA calls them natural defects!

I can’t get over the Beavers!!!  Who figures that this is a sweet substance?  Are the artificial food makers so desperate that they go out and taste “things” in the wild?!

I’ve heard of some horrible things that the FDA allows and approves but really?!  Our poor children, can you imagine what these things cause internally?  No wonder our children have issues we can’t figure out.

This gives us all more reasons to cook from scratch, wash your veggies really good.  Let’s not be lazy in the kitchen!!

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